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Bug hunting!
504 Gateway Time-out The server didn't respond in time
Image quality drops after uploaden
After deleting a lot of pages, the amount of storage is the same
Hotglue is down!
Cannot donate from The Netherlands - paypal error
Styles in hotglue header not propagating to site in 'view' mode
(RESOLVED) Unable to set color for A tags in header
Bugs with editing text boxes
Hotglue not letting me edit source code of a page
My annual subscription has not been renewed
Server is not secure after working properly for years: SSL certificate
Background image troubles!?
Problem communicating with the server (ready state 4, status 200)
Background problem
Hotglue space using over the limit
Experiencing numerous issues with videos
Password problem:
Css embedded in head section works in edit mode but not in regular site
Bug in "Page does not exist yet!" page ▤ (php 7.2)
Site down..deprecated PHP
Hotglue not compatible new PHP, website fell apart
Error signal issues
Page not found on laptop but with a phone it works
Background doesn't stick
Website doesn't work with firefox
Hotglue doesn't help!
Start page stopped existing
Does not load audio in safari
Trouble uploading files: "The server did not reply with any object"
Unable to create new page or rename existing page
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