Hi I'm really enjoying playing with your website builder so far! I'm starting to introduce videos but have noticed a few bugs.
Just for reference, I'm uploading all videos directly from my computer - I have about 6 on the page at the moment and they're about 10 to 90 seconds long each.
Firstly, I'm having trouble with the auto-play feature, it seems to only work in edit mode or only when I access the page by clicking through the redirect link on my start page.
The mute feature also doesn't seem to be working at all.
And finally this one is a little hard to explain, but essentially I am overlaying videos with slightly transparent photos. I've had a few issues where videos glitch and move to the front layer but this is only visual as I still have to move the photos out of the way to then click on the video and access the video settings. Once they are there I can no longer move the videos between layers and have to delete and reupload it. As far as I can tell this is happening only on the videos which I have rotated or flipped within the website editor.
I suppose the last two bugs could be solved by using a video editor beforehand, but if they could be fixed I think it would really benefit the free-form nature of the website builder.
Thanks and keep up the good work.