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Vertical menu not showing when I select objects?
How and Why
How do a turn an image as a random button?
How and Why
Cannot donate from The Netherlands - paypal error
Bug hunting!
Skip to different part of page
Mobile view mode?
How and Why
How to Link on a page pictues?
How and Why
Favicon doesn't work
Responsiveness and web indexing of a hotglue site
How and Why
Migrate existing hotglue website to a new server
Styles in hotglue header not propagating to site in 'view' mode
Bug hunting!
I donated but the web tells me to donate again
How to change textbox-size on an ios-device
How and Why
Log in prompt keeps popping up
How and Why
(RESOLVED) Unable to set color for A tags in header
Bug hunting!
Problem linking objects on the same page
How can I recover my password and username?
Unable to get delete or acces my page after supposed removal in 2017
How to rotate an image?
How and Why
Bugs with editing text boxes
Bug hunting!
CANNOT EDIT my webpage
URGENT People are Unable to Access my Site!
How and Why
Change cursor on Hotglue
Fair Usage Limit
How and Why
Hotglue not letting me edit source code of a page
Bug hunting!
Set custom object ids
Feature requests
Can i see how many people visit my page?
How and Why
Hotglue didnt save editing mode
How to snap images to grid?
How and Why
Loading images onto a page (TIFF, JPEG, PNG, PDF all not working)
Video with automatic playback
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