Nothing technical here. Just a brainstorm! This is thinking ahead, when everything will work smoothly. When amazing websites are appearing out of nowhere.
This is the question:
When we use the Superglue-TP-link locally, not attached to a router, not transferring your website to the internet, in what way can we use it?
It is more than a usb stick, it is a usb key with internet. A shareable usb storage device.
Example ideas:
- As a place to remind other family members what is to be bought in the
- A safe testing of your website before making it public.
- A mobile server, to be set up at places where there is no internet,
for storage of files, everyone can share, like the e-textile
summercamp ( in France, in an old factory:
- a safe place for important documents which should be available for members of a group, collegues, students, teams
- a place to run a family game
- a server for storing selftracking data, domotica data (the sensors should be wirless then...)
- a possibly disrupting wifi access point eg during a conference, imitating the existing wireless network
Keywords: private, intimate, sharing in a small circle, testing websites
What it is not: working free of energy (self charging), small so that it can be sewn into fashionable clothing,
What it should be: not very nerdy (at the moment it still is).
First conclusion: it should get rid of its nerdy character. Hotglue is not very nerdy, this seems somehow much more nerdy.
As for the Superglue pages, could I somehow transfer my Hotglue pages to my USB key, to be used as Superglue pages?