While there is a minor bug, which apparently prevents making the Superglue device go online, I have installed the Hotglue software on my Raspberry Pi. I particularly like the Hotglue approach and find it easy to work with.
So to host my own blog, reporting about my investigations into Design & Energy Harvesting i have used this "other" way. Luckily the Superglue and the Hotglue are not really in competition!
As kindly explained on the hotglue site: http://hotglue.org/ it is really easy to install everything.
Of course you have to configure your Reaspberry Pi as a server, this can be found here (but other links as well) http://www.instructables.com/id/Raspberry-Pi-Web-Server/?lang=es
This is a hint for others who want to set up there own website - if they didn't already had the same idea