Getting started with your Superglue personal server
Welcome to Superglue! It only takes a few easy steps to get you started: you'll be hosting your own web-pages in no-time.
Following the steps described on the following pages you will overwrite the build-in software (the firmware) of a small router, with the Superglue software. This will allow you to host your own web-pages on the router.
IMPORTANT: As Superglue is updated information or screenshots on these pages can become outdated. We'll try to prevent this but please, do let use know when you find something that doesn't work anymore!
Lets go!
Follow the links below in order to set up your Superglue powered personal server:
- Choosing your personal server device
- Uploading the Superglue firmware
- Configure your Superglue server
- Edit your Superglue web-pages